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Wine Paris 2024: A World Show that Exceeds Expectations

Wine Paris, the must-attend event for the wine industry, once again dazzled the world with its latest edition in 2024. With over 4,000 exhibitors, the majority of them international, and more than 41,000 visitors, the show made a clear impression and surpassed all expectations.

This year's event saw significant growth compared with previous years. With 53% international exhibitors representing 48 wine-producing countries, Wine Paris continues to strengthen its position as the global hub of the wine industry. But what is even more impressive is the 41% increase in the number of foreign visitors compared to the previous edition.


According to the Revue des Vins de France The figures speak for themselves, but what really makes this edition special are the stories told by the participants. According to data provided by Vinexposium, the event's organiser, the presence of key buyers from key markets such as France, Italy, Belgium, the United States and Germany increased by 30%. This increase reflects not only the international appeal of the event but also its tangible impact on the global wine trade.

However, not all the stories are success stories. Some exhibitors expressed disappointment at the absence of Asian investors. This shortcoming can be partly explained by the fact that Vinexpo Asia is soon to be held in Hong Kong. Despite this, the show succeeded in organising more than 10,000 online appointments between producers and buyers, demonstrating its commitment to effective and fruitful business relationships, with the aim of developing French export trade.

Our Vitivalor Wines team had a great time at Wine Paris 2024. We made over 60 appointments, establishing valuable contacts both in France and internationally. Promising discussions with wholesalers, wine merchants, restaurateurs and agents from a variety of backgrounds opened up exciting new business prospects for our company.


Among our notable achievements at the show, we formalised orders on the spot, signed up new agents and consolidated our relationships with existing partners. These successes reinforce our belief in the power of Wine Paris as a catalyst for growth and development for players in the wine industry worldwide.

In conclusion, Wine Paris 2024 is much more than just a wine fair, it has become the must-attend event for showcasing French wines to professional buyers who come from all over the world to appreciate French savoir-faire. We look forward to seeing how this momentum translates into our industry over the coming months, and hope to return even stronger at the next edition of this remarkable event.

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